MSES Preschool/Head Start

Message Board for September

    We have a couple of weeks left in September and already this year is flying by!! Our study topic for the next two weeks will be ""Apples and Autumn" as it relates to fall and the changing of seasons. We have had the opportunity to have Mrs. Amy Mincy, Student Teacher from Murray with us and her last day will be September 30th. 
    The children will be learning about apples and the different types of appes. They will be extending and creating a pattern using apples cutouts as well as making a headband to where to lunch. The children will choose their favorite apple by doing a taste test between yellow, red and green apples. If you child cannot eat apples for whatever reason, we will provide them with another type of fruit such as different types of grapes for them to make a choice and make their decision. This information will be charted and displayed in the classroom. 


-Please send family photos for our family board.
-Please be sure to put a jacket on your child before sending them to school if the weather stays cool. We go out every day weather permitting and I don't want them to go outside if it is cool with short sleeves on. So, please, check the weather before they come to school and dress your child appropriately.
-Begin sending warmer clothes for your child by the first of October. I know that we will still have some warm days, but just begin thinking about sending warmer clothes by the first of next month.
-Remember to send your child's folder to school every day!